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Shabbat Services - Multiple Prayer Experiences Each Month


6:00pm: Family Kabbalat Shabbat Services : Come join us for an engaging, upbeat, joyful family friendly service. This service is filled with music, movement, and opportunities for students and families to feel safe and empowered to explore leading t’filah.

6:00pm: Kol Shabbat : Bring your voice - and your instruments - to elevate Shabbat! We will sing melodies both fun and moving to get into the Shabbat spirit. Whether accompanied with guitar or simply reveling in the power of our voices individually and collectively, we will usher in Shabbat together with joy and anticipation. 

(To find out when each of these services are scheduled, check the TBI Calendar.)


9:30am: Saturday Morning Shabbat.  This service in in lieu of a traditional service and will provide a comfortable environment for all who participate.  We encourage families to join us together to practice having an aliyah to the Torah, and for students to take part in the service.  Every session we feature a different theme.

10:30am: Junior Congregation: This is a Shabbat morning service designed specifically for our children, ages 5 to Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Jr. Congregation teaches the kids about the service, breaks down each blessing, gives the, opportunities to lead and learn in a "Kid Friendly" space. We learn, we pray, we play games, we discuss the weekly Torah Portion, and we enjoy Shabbat together. Don't forget, the Jr. Congregation ONLY snacks!!! We meet on the first Saturday of every month.

11:00am: Tot Shabbat - Tot Shabbat is a tefillah experience for TBI Young Families Minis (0-4 YO). Join other families with young children as we sing, dance, say the blessings, and soak in the joy of Shabbat together! We meet on the first Saturday of every month.

Daily Minyan

8:00pm (Virtual) – Daily Evening Minyan Sunday through Thursday.

Click Here for Zoom Meeting

Sunday Morning Minyan Hosted by Men’s Club

9:15am (When Virtual)

Click Here for Zoom Meeting

For More Information, Check the TBI Calendar

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784