Rabbi Kevin Lefkowitz
Rabbi@tbibluebell.org or 610-275-8797 ext. 105
Rabbi Kevin Lefkowitz joined Tiferet Bet Israel in 2024. He received his ordination from the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and MA in Education from American Jewish University, where he wrote his capstone, “Mishpaḥat Israel: Lifelong Jewish Learning. His rabbinic mission is to teach Torah in ways that foster recognition of the God-given dignity of every human being.
Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Rabbi Lefkowitz served as rabbi of Adat Shalom and rabbinic intern at Sinai Temple, both in Los Angeles, California. It was in California where he learned the importance of embracing each community's unique characteristics. More importantly, it was where he met the love of his life, Rabbi Melissa Lefkowitz.
Rabbis Lefkowitz raise their daughter, Rena, with a dual loyalty to the Houston Astros and Boston Red Sox. He hopes this immediate point of tension will not deter you from working with him on our shared mission to strengthen our community through relational Judaism.
Matan Silberstein, Executive Director
Exec@tbibluebell.org or 610-275-8797 ext. 104
Matan was born in Tel-Aviv and raised in the Philadelphia suburbs. He received his BA in Jewish Studies at Temple University, and his MBA focused on business innovation from Philadelphia University. His greatest passion in life is building and sustaining Jewish communities. Over the years, he has raised tens of millions of dollars to support non-profit organizations, built cultures of strategic innovation and financial sustainability, spearheaded educational programming for generations of students, guided thousands of participants on educational journeys to Poland and Israel, and cultivated thriving Jewish communities. Outside of his professional passions, he is an avid Philadelphia sports fan, enjoys spending time with family and friends, and loves to explore nature.
Our Team
Susan Parris
Director of Finance
610-275-8797 ext. 106
Karen Lewin
Director of Education & Programming edu@tbibluebell.org
610-275-8797 ext. 144
Lori Jaffe
Assistant Director of Education
610-275-8797 ext. 108
Fan Levin
Finance & Operations Associate
610-275-8797 ext. 103
Religious School Teachers
Nicole Dubrow
Ethan Feuer
Aaron Levin
Pamela Rosenthal
Jessica Shefsky
Michelle Shefsky
Jill Sherman
Scott Sherman
Noa Stein
Sophie Style
Lauren Swerdloff
Youth Staff
USY Advisor - Ethan Feuer
Kadima Advisors - Aaron Levin
Lauren Swerdloff
Maintenance Staff
Harry Henderson
Bernard Walters
Cantor Emeritus
Susan Kasper
Executive Director Emerita
ECEC Staff
Crystal Podrost
Megan Beltran
Jackie Phillips
Morgan Joell
Shannon Guidetti
Marcy Gant
Cassidy Lieb
Thelma Clayton
Natalie Marcus
Barbara Pettinati
Bonnie Romberg